Guided Tour of Cortona

Guided tour of Cortona, one of the oldest cities in Tuscany

Cortona is a town of Etruscan origins rich in history, art and fabulous museums. In the 18th century it became famous in Europe for its illustrious “Etruscan Academy” and the “Etruscan Museum” (curently MAEC), both founded in 1728 to initiate studies of this ancient civilization with obscure origins. For this reason Cortona became an international center of archaeological research and this erudite society had as members prestigious literates residing throughout Europe such as Voltaire and Montesquieu.

More recently Cortona has returned to international prominence thanks to the novel by the Californian writer Frances Mayes Under the Tuscan Sun which is set there as well as the film based on it.

Cortona, a journey through time between the Etruscans, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

The magnificent position of Cortona on top of a high hill overlooking the Valdichiana is unique and the view that extends to Lake Trasimeno is breathtaking.

Visit Cortona

A classic guided tour of Cortona will introduce you to its millenary history and the artistic richness of its historic center including Piazza Garibaldi with its magnificent view over the whole Valdichiana, the church of San Domenico, Via Nazionale, Piazza della Repubblica with the Town Hall, San Francesco, Piazza Signorelli and the Cathedral.

A classic guided tour of Cortona will introduce you to its millenary history, the artistic richness of its historic center and the incomparable charm of its urban structure of Etruscan origin still enclosed within the ancient walls dominating the valley.

Tour Details


Piazza Garibaldi with its magnificent view over the whole Valdichiana,
• Church of San Domenico,
Via Nazionale
Piazza della Repubblica with the Palazzo del Comune
Church of San Francesco
• Piazza Signorelli
The Cathedral
• Optional: The Museum of the Etruscan Academy (MAEC) with its magnificent finds such as the Etruscan Chandelier, the Tabula Cortonensis a bronze tablet with one of the longest inscriptions in the Etruscan language as well as the Etruscan goldsmiths of Melone II and Melone I del Sodo

Expert guide and art historian

Archeology and art tour
