Piero della Francesca and Giorgio Vasari Tour in Arezzo

Guided tour of the works of Piero della Francesca and Giorgio Vasari in Arezzo

A guided tour of Arezzo with a high artistic and cultural content because it will introduce you to two great personalities of the early Renaissance and the mature Renaissance: the great painter and mathematician Piero della Francesca and the father of art history, painter and architect Giorgio Vasari.

The frescoes by Piero della Francesca in San Francesco in Arezzo

The tour will begin with a visit to the frescoes by Piero della Francesca with the “Legend of the True Cross” in the Bacci chapel in San Francesco in Arezzo. Your expert art guide will tell you the story of the masterpiece, the artistic importance of the fresco cycle because the only surviving one among those made by Piero della Francesca in the course of his life and the artistic techniques of “spolvero”, “good fresco” and “tempera” painting used by the master, as emerged from the last restoration. The symbols and meanings of the frescoes will be revealed to you based on the most recent studies.

The medieval historic center of Arezzo

The guided tour will continue penetrating into the medieval heart of Arezzo passing through Corso Italia where noble palaces overlook the ground floor which preserve pieces of Roman floor mosaics (e.g. Palazzo Lambardi) to reach the Pieve di Santa Maria Assunta, the oldest church in the historical center in Romanesque style, characterized by a high bell tower, a facade with overlapping loggias, sculpted portals including the one with “12 Months” and a majestic interior, with the “Polyptych” with a gold background by Pietro Lorenzetti.

Walking through the narrow medieval streets that take their name from the artisans who had a shop there (eg Via di Seteria), you arrive at Piazza Grande, an ancient downhill market square surrounded by 13th century tower-houses, from the Palazzo della Fraternita dei Laici with the sixteenth-century astronomical clock and the Vasari’s Loggias, a magnificent building with arches designed by Giorgio Vasari to house the ateliers of the most important artisans in the city. In the square, the guide will make you relive the atmosphere of medieval knightly jousting, describing the event that takes place there twice a year in summer, the “Saracen Joust” (“Giostra del Saracino”).

“St. Mary Magdalene” by Piero della Francesca in the Cathedral

In the Gothic-style Cathedral of San Donato, rich in works of art, you will pause in particular with your guide in front of the fresco with St. Mary Magdalene by Piero della Francesca, the stained glass windows and frescoes by Guillaume de Marcillat, Vasari’s master who was trained as painter in this undertaking and created the organ balcony as the first autonomous work.

The frescoes of Casa Vasari (Vasari’s House)

The guided tour of Casa Vasari (Vasari’s House) in Arezzo will make you discover one of the rare Renaissance artist houses that have come down to us. You will be surprised at the sight of the decorations of the various rooms painted by Giorgio Vasari with allegorical themes alluding to the figure of the artist that culminate in the ceiling of the Sala del Camino with “Virtue triumphing over Envy thanks to Fortune”.

Tour Details

What you will see

  • The extraordinary and unique frescoes by Piero della Francesca with the “Legend of the True Cross” (internal visit)
  • Piazza Grande, the beautiful medieval square downhill symbol of Arezzo surrounded by tower-houses
  • The Vasari Loggias in Piazza Grande
  • The Palazzo della Fraternita dei Laici with the sixteenth-century astronomical clock
  • The Cathedral of Arezzo with the stained glass windows by Guillaume de Marcillat (internal visit)
  • The fresco with the “Magdalene” by Piero della Francesca in the Cathedral
  • The church of San Domenico with the Crucifix painted by Cimabue
  • The Casa Vasari Museum (internal visit)
