Guided Tour of Florence LGBTQ+

Historically, Florence has always been a city of freedom and tolerance. Especially towards the local LGBT community since the Renaissance and even the Middle Ages.

At the roots of tolerance and free thought in Florence, cradle of Humanism and the Renaissance

Cradle of the culture of Humanism and the Renaissance which exalted free thought, knowledge and human nature in its broadest sense, in opposition to the dogmas of the Church, Florence was profoundly influenced by the philosophy of ancient Greece and in particular by Plato, who exalted the relationship disciple-master and homosexuality so much, so that it became an important city for its progressive ideas, which culminated with the golden age of Lorenzo de’ Medici known as the Magnificent.
This was until 1492, when Savonarola and the Signoria created what are known as “the officers of the night”. Their goal was to put an end to the practice of sodomy in Florence. Very difficult years, especially for all those men who had undertaken gay relationships. The gay life of Florence was so famous throughout Europe that, during these years, the city became synonymous with homosexuality. And it is no coincidence that in many German countries the word used to define gays was “florenzen”.

An LGBTQ+ tour of Florence to learn about the stories of the artists and the homosexual culture of the city. An in-depth study on Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci

Florence was the home of great artists, such as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and intellectuals and writers such as Brunetto Latini, teacher of Dante Alighieri and Niccolò Machiavelli who lived and worked here for almost their entire lives. In our tour we will talk about these artists, about the Andrea del Verrocchio workshop where Leonardo trained, about the anonymous accusation of sodomy he received, as well as literary and intellectual gods and the homosexual culture of the city by visiting places in the historic center to recall facts and circumstances of which they were protagonists .
We will also visit one of the museums where Michelangelo’s sculptural works are found.

The Palazzo Pitti residence, dynastic problems of descent and homosexuality in the Medici family

We will then talk about the Medici, the hegemonic family in Florence, first merchants and bankers and then Lords of the city and Grand Dukes of Tuscany. The well-known family, that held the helm of the city for four centurie, commissioned most of the works of art still visible today in the Uffizi Gallery and of the city’s architectural monuments. They protected the artists, philosophers, writers, free thinkers, and scientists like Galileo Galilei. Most of the incredible art we can see in Florence today is there thanks to their open mind in art and science. And it is not a surprise to know that the last representatives of the Medici family did not give descendants to the family, despite the arranged marriages, because they were gay. We are talking about the exceptional figure of Grand Prince Ferdinando de’ Medici (1663-1713), protector of artists and great musicians like G. F, Haendel and D. Scarlatti and his brother, the last Granduke of the dynasty Gian Gastone de’ Medici (1671-1737). For this reason the Medici became extinct.
In our tour we will therefore take you to see the palaces where the Medicis lived, telling you many stories about them
A stimulating and exciting guided tour of Florence in search of the roots that still make it one of the most tolerant and inclusive cities in Italy!

Tour details

What you will see

  • The historic center of Florence
  • Dante Alighieri’s birthplace and neighborhood to talk about his master Brunetto Latini
  • Palazzo della Signoria (external)
  • Piazza della Signoria
  • Michelangelo’s house or Casa Buonarroti (exterior or interior)
  • The Santa Croce neighborhood with the place where Verrocchio’s workshop frequented by the young Leonardo was located
  • Palazzo Pitti (external or internal)

Experienced and professional guide

Tour of history, art and architecture, culture

Inclusive tour
